Overall, he could be considered a sociopath. In relation to this he proved to be a difficult force to defeat, having endured two supposed "deaths" prior to his final demise - each time he resurfaced, he was more powerful and sinister than before. Traits like these are what ultimately made King Candy a virus, what the video game characters christened dangerous threats that could spread and control. Upon becoming a Cy-Bug, King Candy sought to rule not only Sugar Rush, but the entire arcade and was looking forward to doing so. Having gone from a racer to a king to a virus, his motives elevated from a mere lust for fame and attention to an additional one for power and authority. King Candy developed throughout the film in appearance and motives. As mentioned above, he tricked the other racers into believing he was a benevolent leader.

An example of this is when he manipulated Ralph into keeping Vanellope from racing claiming that her life would be at risk should she ever do so. He was also cunning and deceptive, exploiting his new appearance and charisma to manipulate those around him into believing his actions were for the purpose of keeping others safe. With this, he was able to survive and remain in power for a total of 15 years. King Candy's most essential attribute was his intelligence. Furthermore, while he isn't stated to have condoned Vanellope's mistreatment, he did nothing to stop it and was the one who made her a "glitch" in the first place. He also showed signs of sadism, being particularly fond of locking others in his "Fungeon". Coupled with his short temper, this hinted at his true nature. When threatened his cheerful demeanor became ruthless and violent. He was extremely possessive of his adopted game - demanding that he be addressed as the "rightful ruler" when introduced - and flaunted his status by having his trademark and likeness plastered everywhere. Underneath this jovial image he remained vain and corrupt. He was the character with the highest stats, especially in speed, was always selected by default and adored by the other racers, particularly Taffyta Muttonfudge.

With a penchant for giggling King Candy carried himself with bubbly yet posh conduct, giving off the impression that he was a benevolent and fun-loving ruler (his favorite pastime apart from racing included throwing candy to his adoring fans while shouting "Have some candy!"). That said, given the audience didn't know much about him before he became King Candy, it's likely that he didn't know what would happen since he never intended to crash RoadBlasters while trying to take over it.Īfterward, he spent the latter half of his life as King Candy, the eccentric and flamboyant ruler of Sugar Rush. He adored the attention his fans gave him and the praise that came with being the star of a popular console having adopted an inflated ego, he became obsessed with preserving his popularity and was deathly determined to remain, in his own words "the greatest racer ever" in the arcade, even if it meant taking over other games and risking innocents in the process. Turbo was quite arrogant and self-centered from the beginning.

The selfish man is like a mangy dog chasing a cautionary tale.